01 july 2021, 09:40

The Financial Ombudsman Service is to help applicants to promptly eliminate errors in filing appeals

The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) has launched a new FRIENDLY project that is supposed to reduce significantly the share of citizens’ appeals rejected.

The implementation of this project means that in cases of identification of insufficient mandatory data in an appeal submitted to the Financial Ombudsman via the personal account, as provided for in Federal Law of June 4, 2018 No. 123-ФЗ “On the Ombudsman for the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services”, and if there is an objective possibility to eliminate this deficiency promptly, the Service staff may make calls to consumers with an offer to add the required information via the personal account.

In particular, such interaction is possible in the following cases:

–  the applicant has failed to attach a copy of the claim (appeal) sent to the financial institution or proof of it being sent;

–  the applicant has failed to attach to the appeal documents confirming ownership of property or family relations with the complainant; the applicant has failed to indicate or incorrectly indicated date and place of birth, place of residence, full name, information on number and date of the agreement.

Calls will be made from a single number +7(495)129–0819 which is assigned to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

Please note that the Financial Ombudsman Service interacts with consumers of financial services only if the consumer has applied to the FOS, and the Service staff never request consumers’ personal or financial data, nor suggest conducting any financial transactions.