11 march 2022, 07:07

The Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service participating in educational programme for legal clinics on financial consumer protection

On March 10th the Saratov State Law Academy hosted the first lecture within the educational programme «Methods of Financial Consumers Rights Protection» developed by the Saratov State Law Academy jointly with the Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service (OFSC) and the Financial Literacy Development Association. The programme is aimed at faculty supervisors of legal clinics of universities in Russia and is being implemented entirely remotely.

The aim of the educational programme is to raise awareness among the staff of legal clinics of Russian institutions of higher education about the protection of consumer rights in financial services in order to further provide qualified legal assistance to individuals who face violations of their rights by financial institutions.

The OFSC staff developed teaching material for the programme on «The Procedure and Specifics of Protecting the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services by Appealing to the Financial Ombudsman».

Head of the OFSC Branch No. 1 Ekaterina Surmeneva welcomed the students of the programme. «The social importance of the educational programme is very high. The law does not oblige the Financial Ombudsman Service to improve financial literacy, but we do understand that by raising the awareness of our consumers, we make them more secure,» Ekaterina Surmeneva emphasized.