About the Service
Chief Financial Ombudsman and Ombudsmen in Financial Services Sectors
The FOS Council
Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service (OFSC)
The FOS Expert Council
The FOS Bulletin
For consumers
The procedure for out-of-court resolution
The procedure for submitting complaints
The procedure for reviewing applications
The order of execution of the FOS decisions
International Cooperation
8 (800) 200-00-10
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8 (800) 200-00-10
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The Financial Ombudsman Service
The Financial Ombudsman Service
About the Service
Chief Financial Ombudsman and Ombudsmen in Financial Services Sectors
The FOS Council
Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service (OFSC)
The FOS Expert Council
The FOS Expert Council’s guidelines
The FOS Expert Council’s guidelines issued at the meeting held on 28 June 2019
The FOS Expert Council’s guidelines issued at the meeting held on 30 August 2019
The FOS Expert Council’s guidelines issued at the meeting held on 06 October 2020
The FOS Expert Council’s guidelines issued at the meeting held on 14 December 2021
The FOS Expert Council’s guidelines issued at the meeting held on 27 July 2023
The FOS Expert Council’s guidelines issued at the meeting held on 26 May 2022
The FOS Bulletin
For consumers
The procedure for out-of-court resolution
The procedure for submitting complaints
The procedure for reviewing applications
The order of execution of the FOS decisions
International Cooperation
Advisory Committee of the Financial Ombudsman Schemes of the Eurasian Economic Union Member States
Member States
The Advisory Committee Membership Representation
Advisory Committee’s activities
The first meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Financial Ombudsman schemes of the Eurasian Economic Union member states takes place
The second meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Financial Ombudsman schemes of the Eurasian Economic Union member states takes place
The FOS has joined the INFO Network
The working procedure of the Financial Ombudsman Service for the period until April 30, 2020
In the first quarter of 2020, more than 24,000 decisions of the Financial Ombudsman Service were taken
The Financial Ombudsman took part in St. Petersburg International Legal Forum 9½ “Laws of the Coronavirus” 13.04.2020.
The Financial Ombudsman Service Council reviewed the annual report on the financial ombudsmen’s activities in 2019
An English version of the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) website is online
The number of appeals to the FOS is back on the pre-quarantine level
The Financial Ombudsman announces preliminary results of considering the “coronavirus” complaints
The Financial Ombudsman Service frequently resolves microloan disputes in favour of citizens
The pilot issue of “The FOS Bulletin” has been published
Decisions are made in favour of consumers on cases of MFI charging a commission for issuing a loan (according to the FOS)
The Financial Ombudsman starts issuing certificates on secure forms
Half of the complaints to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) concerning non-motor insurance are comprised of those in life insurance
The Financial Ombudsman explains the reasons for refusals to pay out smartphone insurance indemnities
The working procedure of the Financial Ombudsman Service for the period since May 12, 2020
The Financial Ombudsman Service and banking associations discussed the forthcoming cooperation between banks and the FOS
A meeting of the FOS Expert Council has been held
Banks, pawnshops, pension funds and credit consumer cooperatives may test the personal account required to work with the Financial Ombudsman
A criminal case has been initiated for the submission of a fake FOS decision
Live broadcast by the Financial Ombudsman Service on the procedure for interaction with financial institutions has taken place
The Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service (OFSC) signed a cooperation agreement with Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod University
The FOS to hold a virtual open day
Tatyana Savitskaya has been appointed Ombudsman for the rights of consumers of financial services
Consumer disputes with banks, NPFs, pawnshops and CCCs to be resolved by the Financial Ombudsman as from 2021
The Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services is to have an option to appeal to the Financial Ombudsman
The Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service (OFSC) has implemented an API service for financial institutions
Cases of interactions with citizens by unknown persons on behalf of the Financial Ombudsman revealed
The Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service (OFSC) and Saratov Office of Rospotrebnadzor sign a cooperation agreement
The FOS expands cooperation with Saratov State Law Academy
The Financial Ombudsman Service summarises the first year of handling non-motor insurance complaints
The Financial Ombudsman Service received more than 187,000 appeals in 2020
The Chief Financial Ombudsman has set up a Public Council
The FOS Council examined the annual report on the Financial Ombudsmen’s activities in 2020
Financial Ombudsman outlines new procedure for resolving disputes over money swallowed by ATM
The Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service (OFSC) signs a cooperation agreement with the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Department of Ro
The Russian President awards Yevgeny Pisarevsky the honorary title of Honoured Lawyer of the Russian Federation
Credit insurance has become the main reason for bank customers to appeal to the Financial Ombudsman
The Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service and Peter the Great College in St. Petersburg enter into an agreement to improve financ
Financial Ombudsman talks about the nuances of travel insurance after shutdown of flights to Turkey and Tanzania
The regular issue of the «Bulletin of the Financial Ombudsman Service» has been published
The FOS Working Group’s first meeting with bank representatives takes place
St. Petersburg International Legal Forum participants discuss the FOS progress
First ever court ruling on forgery of FOS certificate issued
The FOS releases the 2020 Activity Report with data on financial institutions
Face-to-face reception of citizens via video link
The Financial Ombudsman Service is to help applicants to promptly eliminate errors in filing appeals
Financial Ombudsman gives examples of unacceptable insurance practices
The FOS to develop a range of digital services for consumers
The FOS simplifies interaction with consumers of financial services
Meeting of the FOS Public Council takes place
The FOS Council session takes place
Denis Novak appointed Financial Ombudsman
New service launched by the FOS: Knowledge Base for Financial Services Consumers
Members of the FOS staff take part in a Bank of Italy training seminar
Chairman of the Russian Judiciary Council Viktor Momotov: Introducing the Financial Ombudsman institution contributes to the reduction of disputes on
Appeals to the FOS decrease by 8.3% in Q3 2021
The Chief Financial Ombudsman to be reporting on the handling of consumer appeals in his Diary
The Financial Ombudsman Service is to partner with the All-Russian Financial Literacy Online Quiz
EAEU Financial Ombudsman Schemes to set up Advisory Committee
Chief Financial Ombudsman addresses Council for Financial Market Development under the Federation Council
Meeting of the FOS Public Council
The Bulletin of the Financial Ombudsman Service published
The FOS introduces compulsory identification for appeals via UIAS portal on 1 January 2022
FOS begins electronic communication with FBS to enforce FOS decisions
Appeal to the FOS can now be submitted on the «State Services» website
High Commissioner for Human Rights and Chief Financial Ombudsman to sign an agreement to combine efforts in citizens’ rights protection
Financial Ombudsmen Svetlana Maximova and Denis Novak take part in the 2022 Claims & Payments conference on «Loss Adjustment in Insurance»
The FOS Council meets
The Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service participating in educational programme for legal clinics on financial consumer protection
The Bank of Russia and the Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service (OFSC) enter into an agreement on information exchange
Chief Financial Ombudsman Yury Voronin and Russian High Commissioner for Human Rights Tatiana Moskalkova sign cooperation agreement
Chief Financial Ombudsman Yury Voronin takes part in the round-table discussion on «Alternative ways of resolving disputes on the financial services market»
Chief Financial Ombudsman Yury Voronin elected Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the EAEU Financial Ombudsman schemes
Chief Financial Ombudsman and the Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights sign a cooperation agreement
The Financial Ombudsmen Service launches a service for electronic interaction with judges: the Judge’s Personal Account
Chief Financial Ombudsman Yury Voronin speaks at the annual meeting of the Association of Banks of Russia
Financial Ombudsman Service wins “BPM Project 2022” award
The Financial Ombudsman Service publishes the Activity Report 2021 with data on financial institutions
The FOS holds a session at the 10th St Petersburg International Legal Forum
The FOS reports a change in the subjects of bank customer appeals due to changes in the economy
Financial Ombudsman proposes to improve procedures for financial institutions to appeal against his decisions
Regular issue of the “FOS Bulletin” published
The “Friendly” Project reduces refusals to accept poorly formulated appeals – Financial Ombudsman Service
Chief Financial Ombudsman Yury Voronin receives Russian state award – the Order of Honour
The FOS tells what to look out for when insuring luggage
Financial Ombudsman recovers payment from insurance company in favour of Muscovite for broken bottles in luggage
FOS: texting cannot be a full-fledged referral for CMTPL repairs
Number of appeals to the FOS decreases by 18.1% in the first half of 2022
Financial Ombudsman orders insurance company to pay 23,100 rubles for Maine Coon treatment
Chief Financial Ombudsman and Governor of Ulyanovsk Region sign cooperation agreement
Head of the FOS Office Support Service Olga Krainova and Human Rights Commissioner for the Leningrad Region Sergey Shabanov sign cooperation agreement
FOS explains the entitlement to an insurance payout for the injured on a rented electric scooter
Regular Issue of the “Bulletin of the Financial Ombudsman Service” published
FOS training programme included in catalogue of best practices in financial literacy
Meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Financial Ombudsman Service of the EEU Member States
Head of the Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service and St Petersburg Commissioner for Human Rights sign an agreement on cooperation
The FOS Council meets
Chief Financial Ombudsman Yury Voronin awarded a Commendation by the Federation Council Chairman
Head of the Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service and Nizhny Novgorod Regional Commissioner for Human Rights sign cooperation agreement
Financial Ombudsman reveals unfair insurance sale practices in smartphone purchase
The “Friendly” Project: results in 2022
Chief Financial Ombudsman Yury Voronin speaks at the round table at the Annual Bank of Russia Management Meeting with Credit Institutions
The Financial Ombudsman Service Council meets
Russian Supreme Court points out the consumer’s right to refuse a bank’s additional service of arranging insurance when granting a loan
List of financial institutions that systematically violate the requirements of the Financial Ombudsman Act is published
Residents of five regions to contact Financial Ombudsman through MFCs
Head of Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service and Saratov region Commissioner for Human Rights sign cooperation agreement
Financial Ombudsman Service reveals unfair practices by insurance companies using chatbots
Financial Ombudsman reveals new unfair practices by financial institutions in granting loans
FOS publishes review of identified unacceptable practices by financial institutions for Q4 2022
CFO Yury Voronin speaks at round table on protecting the rights of owners of cryptocurrency and digital financial assets
FOS promotes awareness of financial rights protection among DPR residents
Svetlana Maximova speaks at the conference on “Settlement of Losses in Insurance” in Moscow
FOS to attend 11th St Petersburg International Legal Forum
Chief Financial Ombudsman: EAEU countries need similar tools to protect financial rights of citizens
Chief Financial Ombudsman Yury Voronin and Director of the Federal Bailiff Service Dmitry Aristov sign an agreement on cooperation
Olga Kraynova talks about approaches to the harmonization of out-of-court protection of consumers of financial services in the Eurasian Economic Union countries
Chief Financial Ombudsman proposes to oblige banks to keep and store audio recordings of communication with customers
Viktor Klimov talks about categories of disputes between retail investors and brokers that may fall within the FOS competence
Denis Novak talks about the potential of advancing the FOS institution as a mediator in dispute resolution
The procedure to appeal against Financial Ombudsman’s decisions by financial institutions requires improvement, according to Financial Ombudsman Svetlana Maximova
While adopting a law on participatory life insurance it should be determined how to protect the rights of policyholders, Financial Ombudsman insists
FOS submits Activity Report for 2022
Chief Financial Ombudsman and Governor of Oryol Region sign cooperation agreement
Residents of Oryol region to contact FOS through MFCs
New issue of the “Bulletin of the Financial Ombudsman Service” appears
Since 11 December 2023, NPF clients may appeal to the FOS in connection with improper transfers of pension savings
FOS holds annual workshop for insurance companies
The Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service representatives participate in a training workshop for representatives of the Uzbek regulator
Information exchange agreements signed between the Chief Financial Ombudsman and the Social Fund of Russia
FOS to participate in Bank of Russia Financial Congress
The court confirms the consumer’s right to be compensated under CMTPL insurance without taking into account depreciation
Court finds extra option to a loan not a separate bank service
Court finds extra option to a loan not a separate bank service
Bank of Russia Board of Directors extends the term of office of Chief Financial Ombudsman Yury Voronin
Financial Ombudsman recovers funds from bank that debited consumer’s accounts without the consumer’s order
The largest number of unfair practices revealed in consumer lending, according to financial ombudsman
Property claim limit in applying to the FOS does not meet realities, according to Financial Ombudsman Denis Novak
Number of appeals to the FOS reduced in first half of 2023
Insurance premium refund disputes reduced in first half of 2023, according to Financial Ombudsman
Financial Ombudsman obliges insurance company to pay CMTPL indemnity without taking into account depreciation
The Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service and the Federal Penitentiary Service University in St. Petersburg sign an agreement on co-operation
Financial Ombudsman identifies terms and conditions of hull insurance contracts infringing consumer rights
Financial Ombudsman talks about additional services imposed by financial institutions
Financial Ombudsman orders bank to refund credit card transaction fees, Court upholds decision
Fifth Anniversary of the Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service
The Advisory Committee of the Financial Ombudsman Schemes of the Eurasian Economic Union countries holds a meeting
Financial Ombudsman speaks about the hidden cession problem when dealing with consumer appeals
Non-state pension funds’ clients can appeal to the FOS about wrongful transfers of pension savings as from 11 December 2023
FOS and Rospotrebnadzor to exchange information on financial institutions’ violations and unacceptable practices
Yury Voronin speaks at the International Conference “Success Story: 20 Years of the Russian Deposit Insurance System”
The Financial Ombudsman Service presents approaches to mandatory out-of-court dispute resolution between lenders and borrowers
FOS Public Council meeting takes place
Financial Ombudsman makes first decision on consumer’s request to return pension savings to previous insurer
Cases of unidentified persons interacting with citizens on behalf of the FOS revealed
Financial Ombudsman explains how a citizen can identify unlawful transfer of his/her pension savings from one non-state pension fund to another
Chief Financial Ombudsman Yury Voronin speaks about the FOS role in the framework of ensuring the country’s financial sustainability
Disputes over payments under short CMTPL policies to be resolved by Financial Ombudsman
Disputes on mandatory state insurance of servicemen to be considered within the framework of compulsory pre-judicial procedure, according to the Financial Ombudsman
A meeting of the FOS Council held on 21 March
Svetlana Maximova speaks at Insur-Selling-2024 Conference
Number of appeals from citizens on disputes with MFIs reduced by 20% in 2023, according to Financial Ombudsman
Financial Ombudsman identifies ways MFIs mislead clients
Financial Ombudsman reports unacceptable practices in Investment Life Insurance contracts
Financial Ombudsman proposes measures to reduce the involvement of car lawyers in settling CMTPL disputes
Financial Ombudsman uncovers unfair practices in confusing MTPL and hull insurance contracts
FOS recovers insurance benefit following charge-off of insured card as a result of fraudsters’ actions
FOS representatives meet with Kazakhstan’s Insurance Ombudsman
FOS Activities Report for 2023 published
Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service and Bank of Russia CFD Head Office sign the Action Plan for Interaction
The Financial Ombudsman Service to take part in the 12th St. Petersburg International Legal Forum
A session on out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes in the financial market held as part of the 12th St. Petersburg International Legal Forum
Chief Financial Ombudsman Yury Voronin speaks at the session “Unfair Practices in the Consumer Market”, held as part of the 12th SPILF
The Financial Ombudsman recognises bank’s unlawful charging for card-to-card transfer
The FOS favours the preparation of a specific chapter in the Civil Procedure Code on its activities, Financial Ombudsman Denis Novak says
The Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service and the Moscow Financial Agency conclude a cooperation agreement
Denis Novak speaks at the Fifth Educational Forum of Notaries of Russia
The Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service and the Kaluga Region MFC Authorised Representative enter into an agreement on interaction
The powers of Financial Ombudsman Svetlana Maximova prolonged
Chief Financial Ombudsman and Ryazan Governor sign a co-operation agreement
FOS rules on appeal regarding bank liquidation
Financial Ombudsman recovers funds transfer fee withheld by bank in favour of a consumer
The FOS to take part in the “Financial Literacy Week”
Chief Financial Ombudsman and Kaluga Governor sign a cooperation agreement
Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service’s Representatives tell participants of forum-festival “Territory of the Future – Moscow 2030” about the financial ombudsman institute
Chief Financial Ombudsman and Tambov Governor sign a cooperation agreement
Financial Ombudsman Viktor Klimov participates in the 15th International Conference “Insurance in Central Asia” in Kazakhstan
Chief Financial Ombudsman and Ivanovo Region Government agree to cooperate on improving financial literacy of the region’s residents
Chief Financial Ombudsman and Lipetsk Governor sign a cooperation agreement
The FOS inviting to take part in the 7th All-Russian financial literacy online competition
FOS chatbot answering 4 out of 5 user requests with only one request transferred to operator, according to Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service’s head Olga Kraynova
The FOS is to use AI for consumer protection, says Head of the Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service Olga Kraynova
The FOS and the Deposit Insurance Agency conclude an interaction agreement
The OFSC wins the 2024 social advertising contest for non-profit organisations
Residents of the Chuvash Republic can now appeal to the FOS through MFCs
Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service and Tula Region’s authorised MFC enter into interaction agreement
Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service and Tver Region’s authorised MFC conclude cooperation agreement
FOS publishes review of unacceptable practices by financial institutions identified in Q3 2024
FOS to launch advertising campaign on 2GIS service
Evgeny Pisarevsky appointed Financial Ombudsman
FOS position on the illegality of certain terms and conditions of investment life insurance contracts upheld by court
FOS Council updates differentiated contribution rate for financial institutions
Agreement signed between Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service and Kursk Region’s authorised MFC
Belgorod Region residents to appeal to the FOS through MFCs
Agreement signed between Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service and Tambov Region’s authorised MFC
The Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service staff inform the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation’s social coordinators about the Financial Ombudsman Institution
FOS noting receipt of many appeals against T-Bank’s “20% cashback on payment of housing and utilities services for payment of communication services” campaign
Oktyabrsky District Court of Primorsky Territory in support of FOS on illegality of investment life insurance contracts conditions
CFO Yury Voronin speaks at the annual meeting with the Bank of Russia’s management on regulating financial market participants’ activities
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