The Financial Ombudsman’s decision shall be communicated to the financial organization within one business day from the date of its adoption.
The Financial Ombudsman’s decision is subject to execution by the financial organization no later than in the period specified in the decision (might be from 10 business days to 30 calendar days) except for the cases of suspension of execution of this decision provided for by the Federal Law No. 123-FZ.
If the financial institution fails to comply with the Financial Ombudsman’s decision in due time, the OFSC on the basis of the consumer’s complaint will issue a certificate (an executive document, on the basis of which the Financial Ombudsman’s decision will be enforced in accordance with the law). The consumer has the right to apply for the issuance of such a certificate within 3 months from the date on which the decision should have been executed.
After the review of the complaint by the Financial Ombudsman, the consumer also has the right to apply to the court if:
• he/she does not agree with the Financial Ombudsman’s decision;
• the Financial Ombudsman refused to review the complaint or did not make a decision within the time period established by law:
• the review of the complaint was terminated on the grounds established by Article 27 of the Federal Law of June 4, 2018, No. 123-ФЗ “On the Ombudsman for the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services”.
In case of disagreement with the Financial Ombudsman’s decision, the consumer has the right to go to court within 30 days from the date the decision comes into force and state the requirements for the financial institution on the merits of the case in the manner established by the civil procedural legislation of the Russian Federation. A copy of the court complaint must be sent to the OFSC.