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Monday - Friday from 8:00 to 20:00 (Moscow time), except public holidays, free call from regions of RussiaThe updated differentiated rate of contributions of financial institutions, approved by the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) Council at the meeting on 24 September 2024, shall come into effect on 1 January 2025.
In accordance with Article 11 of the Federal Law “On the Ombudsman for the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services” the amount of the rate is differentiated based on the results of the Financial Ombudsman’s consideration of appeals of consumers of financial services by multiplying it by the established factors.
According to the adopted decision of the FOS Council, the rate of contributions from 1 January 2025 on is set in the amount of 40,000 rubles for insurance organisations, and in the amount of 39,000 rubles for microfinance institutions, credit consumer cooperatives, pawnshops, credit organisations, and non-state pension funds [1].
The differentiation factors have remained unchanged except for cases when the Financial Ombudsman decides to fully or partially satisfy the consumer’s claims.
For such cases, the differentiation factor from 1 January 2025 on shall be 2.5 for insurance organisations (i.e. the amount of the contribution is 100,000 rubles), and 5.0 for microfinance institutions, credit consumer cooperatives, pawnshops, credit organisations, and non-state pension funds (i.e. the amount of the contribution is 195,000 rubles).
If the Financial Ombudsman decides to refuse to satisfy the consumer’s claims, the fee will still not be charged.
More details on the FOS Council decision on the amount of the differentiated contribution rate of financial institutions, as well as the procedure for calculating the amount of the financial institution’s contribution can be found on the FOS website in the “Regulation” section.
[1] Until 1 January 2025, the contribution rate for insurance organisations was 33,400 rubles, the contribution rate for microfinance institutions, credit consumer cooperatives, pawnshops, credit organisations, and non-state pension funds was 35,000 rubles.