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Monday - Friday from 8:00 to 20:00 (Moscow time), except public holidays, free call from regions of RussiaThe Financial Ombudsman Service has joined the International Network of Financial Services Ombudsman Schemes (INFO Network). The decision to include the Russian institution of the Financial Ombudsman Service into the Network was taken at the Secretariat’s meeting, said Chief Financial Ombudsman Yuri Voronin.
The International Network of Financial Services Ombudsman Schemes (INFO Network) is an international platform organizing the interaction of financial ombudsman services of various countries to exchange experience in establishing and running these institutions. Currently, 60 institutions from 40 states are full members of the Network.
For the current list of the INFO Network members follow the link here:
Joining the INFO Network opens access to their inner information resource, the INFO Network’s intranet. Thanks to that portal, financial ombudsmen can, among other things, exchange experiences, hold discussions, and so on. The portal also posts materials on annual conferences held by the INFO Network, as well as newsletters, generalizations of practices and financial ombudsmen’s annual reports.
“Full membership in the INFO Network expands our international cooperation and allows us to adopt the best international practices in the field of protecting the rights of consumers of financial services. I am sure that foreign colleagues are keen to learn about the Russian practice of the financial ombudsman service, its features and characteristics,” says Yuri Voronin.