14 december 2020, 11:44

The FOS to hold a virtual open day

The Financial Ombudsman Service is holding a virtual open day, which is timed to coincide with the All-Russian Citizens’ Reception Day on the day of the Russian Constitution.

This year, at the direction of the Russian President’s Office for Citizens’ and Organisations’ Appeals, the All-Russian Citizens’ Reception Day has been postponed until the epidemiological situation associated with the spread of the coronavirus infection has stabilised.

Despite the postponement of the All-Russian Citizens’ Reception Day, the Financial Ombudsman Service is holding the event in the format of a virtual open-door day. For this purpose, a separate page was added to the FOS official website, the contents of which describe, in as accessible a form as possible, the features of the new procedure for the out-of-court resolution of disputes between consumers of financial services and financial institutions.

Virtual visitors of the event are met by the Chief Financial Ombudsman, financial ombudsmen, employees of the Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service (OFSC), each of which presents a video clip on a certain topic. In particular, Chief Financial Ombudsman Yury Voronin tells in detail about the peculiarities of pre-trial dispute resolution, and the financial ombudsmen touch on dispute resolution in the financial services sectors, such as insurance, MFI, banks, pension funds, etc. The employees of the OFSC analyse typical situations related to compulsory motor TPL insurance and present the most common mistakes made by consumers of financial services when applying to the Financial Ombudsman Service. As part of the virtual open day, citizens can submit a complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service, use a special test to check whether a particular dispute is subject to review by the FOS, and also use sample complains to the FOS.

In addition, up-to-date statistical information about the work of the Financial Ombudsman Service is available on the website of the event.