29 october 2021, 09:21

Members of the FOS staff take part in a Bank of Italy training seminar

On October 22, 2021 members of the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) staff took part in a training seminar held by the Bank of Italy within the framework of the internal training program on the comparative analysis of alternative forms of dispute resolution.

The event took place in the form of a videoconference. It was attended by staff members from the Bank of Italy, the Banking and Financial Ombudsman Service of Italy, as well as guest speakers from other countries. The Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service (OFSC) Deputy Head Eugenia Sudareva and Head of Out-of-court Dispute Resolution Department No. 5 Sergey Slepets took part in the event on behalf of the Financial Ombudsman Service.

The representatives of the Financial Ombudsman Service told in their speeches about the specifics of the FOS institution functioning in the Russian Federation, about the types of disputes subject to consideration by the FOS, the main subject-matter of appeals received by the FOS as concerns financial market sectors.

At the end of the event the organisers expressed their gratitude to the FOS and their readiness for further cooperation, including by holding a follow-up event on the issues of interest at the FOS premises.