18 november 2021, 21:00

The Chief Financial Ombudsman to be reporting on the handling of consumer appeals in his Diary

Another section – the Financial Ombudsman’s Diary – has been launched on the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) website. It is there that Chief Financial Ombudsman Yury Voronin talks in a narrative manner about his work on specific appeals and the decisions he makes on them.

The Chief Financial Ombudsman describes cases in the areas within his authority: insurance, credit institutions, non-state pension funds, microfinance institutions, pawnshops, credit consumer cooperatives. Information about consumers – citizens who have submitted appeals to the Financial Ombudsman – is not disclosed.

Published materials are supposed to gradually become a kind of the FOS code of rules to be used by citizens in deciding to make an appeal, as well as by financial institutions in their work with clients.

«My colleagues and I have tried to summarise and systematise our experience and as a result this column appears, which we call «the Financial Ombudsman’s Diary». These are incidents that could happen to any of us. The characters in them are fictional, but the situations are real. We hope that these little notes will help to prevent consumers from making typical mistakes when interacting with financial institutions and applying to the Financial Ombudsman,» Yury Voronin says.