06 september 2024, 10:58

Chief Financial Ombudsman and Kaluga Governor sign a cooperation agreement

On 30 August 2024, Chief Financial Ombudsman Yury Voronin and Governor of the Kaluga Region Vladislav Shapsha signed an agreement on cooperation, which is to make the protection of the rights of consumers of financial services in the region more accessible and efficient.

The document defines strategic priorities for joint activities to improve the legal and financial literacy of residents of the Kaluga Region.

The parties agreed to unite the available organisational, legal, informational, methodological and technological resources to ensure proper protection of financial services consumers residing in the Kaluga Region.

In accordance with the signed document, a large-scale information and awareness campaign on the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) activities is to be conducted in the region. The agreement envisages an impressive programme of activities for 2024-2026. In particular, it is planned to place information materials in regional mass media, on official websites and on social media pages of executive authorities of the Kaluga Region.

Chief Financial Ombudsman Yury Voronin was confident that cooperation with the executive authorities of the Kaluga region, including informing citizens about the rights of consumers of financial services and ways of their protection, would be efficacious and mutually beneficial, and would contribute to the formation of a socially responsible behaviour of financial market participants.

Yury Voronin pointed out that this was the fourth agreement with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation. Earlier, similar agreements had been signed with the governors of the Ulyanovsk, Orel and Ryazan regions.