08 july 2024, 16:08

Denis Novak speaks at the Fifth Educational Forum of Notaries of Russia

The Fifth Educational Forum of Notaries of Russia was held in Krasnoyarsk Region from 1 to 4 July, where Financial Ombudsman Denis Novak was also present. He made a report on the organisation and principles of the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) activities and on the directions of interaction between the FOS and notaries.

In particular, Denis Novak informed the forum that the Financial Ombudsman has, since December 11, 2023, been vested with a new competence to consider disputes related to illegal transfers of citizens’ pension savings, in connection with which the Financial Ombudsman organises handwriting examination, which requires samples of the consumer’s signature, which can be submitted to the Financial Ombudsman after their notarisation. The audience’s interest was aroused by the questions concerning the scope of the Financial Ombudsman’s competence, the requests for information necessary for consideration of appeals of consumers of financial services, as well as statistical data on consideration by the Financial Ombudsman of these appeals.

The traditional training event brought together notaries and employees of notary offices from more than 30 constituent entities of Russia. The speakers of the forum were representatives of the regional department of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, judicial authorities, the Federal State Register, the Federal Chamber of Notaries, as well as the country’s leading legal experts.

As part of the forum’s business programme, 13 educational events such as round tables, lectures and discussions were held to discuss controversial issues of corporate law, the intricacies of providing evidence by a notary in the online environment, bankruptcy in inheritance relations, the indisputability of a notary’s writ of execution and other topical issues.