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Monday - Friday from 8:00 to 20:00 (Moscow time), except public holidays, free call from regions of RussiaThe Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service (OFSC) and the Multifunctional Centre for Provision of State and Municipal Services (MFC) of the Kaluga Region entered into an agreement on interaction on 24 July 2024. The agreement is effective from the date of its signing by the parties.
The document was signed by Olga Kraynova, Head of the Ombudsman for financial services consumers support Service, and Mikhail Ivanov, Director of the Kaluga Region Authorised MFC. In accordance with the agreement, residents of the Kaluga Region will have an opportunity to appeal to the Financial Ombudsman through any regional MFC branch.
As Olga Kraynova stressed, “we want the process of interaction between consumers of financial services and the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) to be as convenient as possible, and now residents of the Kaluga Region will have the opportunity to submit an appeal to the Financial Ombudsman through a familiar and convenient system of interaction”.
“The Kaluga Region is now the third region to have signed similar agreements with the FOS. To date, residents of the Ulyanovsk and Orel Regions can also submit an appeal to the Financial Ombudsman through MFC authorised offices. It is also allowed to send an appeal to the Financial Ombudsman electronically on the FOS official website, on the State Services portal, or by the postal mail,” the Head of OFSC noted.
“We intend to continue to develop active interaction with the governments of the Russian Federation constituent entities in general and MFC Authorised Representatives of the regions in particular,” the Head of OFSC concluded.