Regulation of the Financial Ombudsman’s activities

This section contains normative acts regulating the activities of the FOS, as well as the procedure for the out-of-court resolution of financial disputes between financial services consumers and financial organizations by the Financial Ombudsman.

  1. Federal Law of June 4, 2018, No. 123-FZ “On the Ombudsman for the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services”
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2018, No. 1532 “On approval of the form of the certificate, which is the executive document issued by the Ombudsman for the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services”
  3. Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5070-У dated February 12, 2019, “On the procedure for maintaining the Register of financial organizations obligated to organize interaction with the Ombudsman for the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services, in the Bank of Russia”
  4. Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5064-У dated January 21, 2019, “On the procedure for exclusion of a financial organization from the Register of financial organizations obligated to organize interaction with the Ombudsman for the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services”
  5. Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5038-У dated December 25, 2018, “On the procedure for nominating representatives of self-regulatory organizations in the field of financial market, as well as associations (unions) of credit organizations, to the Financial Ombudsman Service Council, as referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 7 of the Federal Law of June 4, 2018, No. 123-FZ “On the Ombudsman for the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services”
  6. Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 6605-У dated October 14, 2023, “On amendments to the Bank of Russia Ordinance № 5038-У dated December 25, 2018”

Acts of the FOS Council

  1. Regulations on the procedure for maintaining personal accounts of a financial organization, consumer of financial services and the Social Fund of Russia by the Ombudsman for financial services consumer support Service (OFSC) (effective from December 11, 2023)
    1. The Regulations for the FOS Office Support Service on procedures for maintaining a personal account of a financial organization and a personal account of a consumer of financial services(this version of the regulations considering the changes below is valid until December 11, 2023) 
    2. Amendments to the Regulations for the FOS Office Support Service on procedures for maintaining a personal account of a financial organization and a personal account of a consumer of financial services
    3. Amendments to the Regulations for the FOS Office Support Service on procedures for maintaining a personal account of a financial organization and a personal account of a consumer of financial services dated August 06, 2019
    4. Amendments to the Regulations for the FOS Office Support Service on procedures for maintaining a personal account of a financial organization and a personal account of a consumer of financial services dated July 16, 2021
    5. Amendments to the Regulations for the FOS Office Support Service on procedures for maintaining a personal account of a financial organization and a personal account of a consumer of financial services dated January 18, 2022
    6. Amendments to the Regulations for the FOS Office Support Service on procedures for maintaining a personal account of a financial organization and a personal account of a consumer of financial services dated September 21, 2023
  2. The Regulations on the way and procedure for submitting a claim or a complaint by an insurance company that provides financial services to consumers of financial services, to establish interaction with the FOS on a voluntary basis
  3. The Regulations on the standardized forms of an application to restore an infringed right (claim) sent to a financial institution electronically by the consumer
  4. The Regulations on the standardized forms of application sent electronically to the FOS
  5. The Regulations on the procedure for notifying parties to a dispute about the date, time and place of hearing a complaint by the FOS in case of its in-person consideration
  6. The Regulations for the FOS on the procedure for performing acts aimed at resolving a dispute between the parties, as well as on the procedure for drawing up an agreement between the parties on settling a dispute
  7. Decision on the amount of the differentiated rate of contributions of financial organizations (in relation to insurance organizations establishing interaction with the FOS on a voluntary basis)
  8. Decision on the amount of the fee for consideration by the FOS of the complaints by third parties who have been assigned the financial services consumer’s right to call on a financial organization
  9. Decision on the amount of the differentiated rate of contributions of financial organizations (in relation to insurance companies obliged to establish interaction with the FOS)
  10. Decision on the amount of the differentiated rate of contributions of financial organizations (in relation to microfinance organizations)
  11. Decision on the contribution rate of financial organizations (from January 1, 2021)
  12. Procedure for calculating the amount of contribution of financial organizations
  13. Regulations on the procedure for providing the Financial Ombudsman with samples of signatures of the consumer of financial services and (or) of his/her authorized representative in order to organize an independent examination of the subject of the dispute to resolve issues related to the consideration of the application specified in Part 1.1, Article 15 of the Federal Law of June 4, 2018 No. 123-FZ «On the Ombudsman for the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services»
  14. Decision on the amount of the differentiated rate of contributions of financial organizations (from January 1, 2024)
  15. Decision on the amount of the differentiated rate of contributions of financial organizations (from January 1, 2025)

Explanations and Information

  1. Clarifications on issues related to the application of Federal Law dated 04.06.2018 No. 123-FZ “On the Ombudsman for the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services”, approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on March 18, 2020
  2. Explanatory letter “On accessing a personal account of a financial organization” (for insurance organizations)
  3. Recommendations to the FOS Office Support Service on working with an enhanced qualified electronic signature when using a personal account of a financial organization located on the FOS official website on the Internet
  4. On reviewing consumer complaints related to the incorrect use by insurance organizations of the value of insurance rate ratio when concluding Mandatory Third Party Liability insurance contracts
  5. Explanatory letter “On accessing a personal account of a financial organization” (for microfinance organizations)
  6. User manual for a financial organization personal account on the FOS official website
  7. Explanatory letter “On the interaction between financial organizations and the FOS”
  8. Explanatory letter «On access to the personal account of a financial organization» (for credit organizations)
  9. Explanatory letter «On access to the personal account of a financial organization» (for non-state pension funds)
  10. Explanatory letter «On access to the personal account of a financial organization» (for pawnshops)
  11. Explanatory letter «On access to the personal account of a financial organization» (for credit consumer cooperatives)
  12. Explanatory letter «On testing a personal account of a financial organization» (to credit organizations, credit consumer cooperatives, pawnshops and non-state pension funds)